IC Lights


The objects created by Michael Anastassiades have a unique personality. In a perfect balance between essential language, functionality and poetry, the creations of the Cypriot designer are especially subtle and timeless, with emphasis on lighting.

In addition to the lines developed for his own brand, the collaboration with Flos has been especially successful, currently including several product families. The IC is one of them and surprises by the simple shape, where an opaque glass sphere balances in the metallic structure, exploring balance and defying the laws of gravity.

Available in the table, floor, ceiling and suspension versions, the IC collection has been a regular presence in Vector Mais projects, in environments where a discrete elegance is desired, such as KPMG's reception in Porto and the administration offices in the new Exictos headquarters in Lisbon.

To know more about IC Lights, contact Marta Alves, manager of the furniture department, by email: malves@vectormais.com.


“I came across a YouTube clip of a contact juggler. He has these spinning spheres moving around, and they are spinning so perfectly, you can’t even see them move - it looks perfectly balanced and perfectly still. This was my starting point.”

Michael Anastassiades





KPMG Porto

KPMG Porto

ProductsAlvaro RamosFlos